By ELI - April 5, 2024
Type of Position
Company or Organization
UCSB Sustainability
Santa Barbara, CA

Position Description 

The UCSB Sustainability office seeks applications from undergraduate students interested in: 

-Increasing communication and collaboration between students and campus administration on climate justice, climate neutrality, sustainability, transportation, carbon offsets, and climate resilience issues, and
-Raising awareness about programs, resources, issues, solutions, and policies involving climate neutrality, climate justice and sustainability on campus. This includes raising awareness of UCOP Climate Goals and initiatives, UCSB Climate mitigation strategies and goals, and other local climate related initiatives.   

We are looking for students who are interested in uplifting the voices of our diverse student body and facilitating collaborations. This will include spending time meeting with student leaders and learning about their ideas, concerns, and suggested solutions. As the ambassador learns about overlapping projects and interests between student organizations and/or campus departments they will facilitate introductions and/or help cultivate new partnerships. The ambassador will look for opportunities to share the student perspective and student project ideas/efforts with the campus administration and campus departments to help build support for student recommendations. The ambassador will also keep students informed about what the campus is working on, resources available, and opportunities to give feedback on policy, budget, and program development related to carbon neutrality, climate justice, sustainable transportation, making critical sustainability a part of the curriculum, etc. 

The ambassador will also help with marketing and promotion of existing resources and programs. In particular we are interested in recruiting an ambassador with creative ideas on how to reach students most impacted by climate injustice and/or who have historically been underrepresented and underrecognized within carbon neutrality, sustainable transportation, and climate justice initiatives. 

We are looking for fellows who are: 

-dedicated to carbon reductions and climate justice,
-open-minded listeners ready to work in positive and collaborative relationships with students, staff, faculty, campus administration, and community members 
-able to stay focused on and committed to their long term vision and goals, while being able to allow their tactics and --strategies to evolve and shift with feedback from key stakeholders
This position is only available for UCSB undergraduate students who will be enrolled and in person at UCSB in Fall 2024 through Spring 2025. We are not accepting applications from students who will be abroad or remote in the 2024-2025 academic year.

Please submit a resume, cover letter, Winter class schedule and unofficial transcript through Handshake.

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