Fix-it Fairs in Isla Vista give students and community members an opportunity to rethink and repair broken items.
UCSB Environmental Leadership Incubator students, Eva Mills and Molly McGee, hosted the first of several ‘Fix-It Fairs’ at the Isla Vista Community Center on November 17th to help the community and reduce waste. Instead of throwing away and replacing broken-yet-fixable equipment, bikes, skateboards, clothes, jewelry, and other items, Fix-It-Fairs offers students and community members the opportunity to fix their belongings, free of charge, with help from local experts. These fairs allow individuals to learn skills to fix their items, while saving money and reducing their environmental footprint. The fairs are part of Eva and Molly's ELI project, which will bring more repair opportunities to Isla Vista in 2024.
To learn more about the fairs, check out this article about their first one in The Independent.