By ELI - May 22, 2024
Type of Position
Company or Organization

Position Description 

Are you passionate about addressing sustainability and climate impacts in the built environment? The Green Building Associate will manage projects that set the County on the path toward carbon neutrality and conserving resources in County-owned facilities and landscapes.

The Green Building Associate will work closely with staff in the Alameda County Office of Sustainability to promote and implement green building, green purchasing, and waste reduction projects.

1) You will support the development and integration of green building and green purchasing standards into the operations of our partner County departments by doing technical and market research, engaging stakeholders, publishing guidelines, and implementing selected strategies.

2) You will support the updating of the County’s green building ordinance and support implementation of strategic initiatives in partnership with key departments responsible for measures in the County’s Climate Action Plan for Government Services and Operations.

3) You will maintain and update metrics and graphics to highlight successes and areas that need further action to fully implement the Board-adopted climate action plan for government operations and sustainable purchasing policy.

4) You will support the development of data management and tracking systems needed to implement new State of California procurement laws aimed at reducing methane from landfill. Each of these areas of work will allow you to collaborate with colleagues throughout the County, as well as regional partners, to gather data, conduct research, and propose policy and programmatic solutions to achieve programmatic goals.

The position will provide significant opportunities to develop professionally, including:

  • Conducting technical and market research on green products and services, including those used for construction and energy efficiency projects, and synthesizing that research into compelling narratives in multiple formats;
  • Managing projects, such as setting goals, identifying stakeholders and audiences, and developing work products on time;
  • Synthesizing technical information into a format suitable for a general audience;
  • Analyzing regulatory requirements to develop implementation strategies;
  • Facilitating change management in a large organization;
  • Gaining access to state and national sustainability networks;
  • Visualizing data and identifying key lessons to draw from data; and
  • Working independently towards goals and outcomes that are developed as a team.
  • All fellows at Alameda County are able to work with other fellows placed at Alameda County and participate in our award-winning series of fellow trainings and workshops.

Desired Qualifications

  • Interest in green building, green purchasing, or materials management;
  • Skills in researching, organizing, synthesizing, and presenting complex information in multiple formats for different audiences;
  • Commitment to collaborating with stakeholders during all stages of project design and delivery;
  • Organizational skills to track deliverables on multiple projects;
  • Proficiency with data collection, analysis, and visualization to develop metrics and infographics that highlight successes and inspire action;
  • Flexibility to adjust work efforts to take advantage of unexpected opportunities;
  • Self-motivation while working remotely; and
  • Comfort collaborating with remote team members.
  • We are operating as a primarily remote team. If you prefer to work in the office, a desk will be available. When there are in-person meetings/events/visits, you will be notified in advance.

We encourage anyone who is interested in this position and who meets some of the qualifications to apply, even if they do not meet all of them. We recognize that a unique perspective and background can enhance a role when many, if not all, of the listed qualifications are met.

**If you would need to relocate for this position, please note that you need to be in the state you are relocating to no less than 10 business days before the start of the fellowship.**


  • End-of-program financial award​.
  • This position offers up to $500 of training and travel reimbursement. (Site supervisor & SEI approval required for reimbursement.)
  • Healthcare coverage with 100% of healthcare insurance premiums covered by the employer.
  • Access to a national Member Assistance Program, which includes financial and legal assistance, medical advocacy, and counseling services. 
  • Professional and Personal Development Training
  • ​Career-readiness training in interview preparation, salary negotiation, and developing a professional resume and cover letter.
  • Attending panels, workshops, and presentations by climate resilience industry professionals. 
  • Professional networking opportunities. 

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